object SettingsFrm: TSettingsFrm Left = 341 Top = 127 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Settings' ClientHeight = 436 ClientWidth = 638 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poMainFormCenter OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label2: TLabel Left = 152 Top = 24 Width = 32 Height = 13 Caption = 'Label2' end object TreeView1: TTreeView Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 129 Height = 377 BevelInner = bvNone BorderWidth = 2 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Indent = 19 ParentFont = False ReadOnly = True ShowButtons = False TabOrder = 0 OnChange = TreeView1Change Items.Data = { 0C000000200000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000 0747656E6572616C1F0000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000 0000000006536F756E6473220000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 0000000000000009547261792049636F6E260000000000000000000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF00000000000000000D5472617920546F6F6C2D5469702600000000 00000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000000000000D456E68616E636564 2054726179270000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000000000 000E5765617468657220416C65727473270000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF00000000000000000E456D61696C2053657474696E67731D00000000 00000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000044369747922000000 0000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000094F6E2055706461 7465220000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000000000000957 616C6C7061706572280000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00000000 000000000F4465736B746F70204465736B6C65741E0000000000000000000000 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000005536B696E73} end object SettingPage: TPageControl Left = 144 Top = 7 Width = 481 Height = 378 ActivePage = WeatherAlerts MultiLine = True TabOrder = 1 object TabSheet1: TTabSheet Caption = 'General' TabVisible = False object OptionGroupBox: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = 'Options' TabOrder = 0 object Label28: TLabel Left = 248 Top = 256 Width = 189 Height = 13 Caption = '(Not recommended, advanced use only)' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clPlum Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object StartHidden: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 67 Width = 225 Height = 17 Hint = 'Program will start minimized to Task Tray hidden' Caption = 'Start Program Minimized to Task Tray' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 end object CheckBox1: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 94 Width = 209 Height = 17 Hint = 'Weather Pulse will start when Windows Starts' Caption = 'Load When Windows Starts' TabOrder = 1 end object MetricCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 40 Width = 289 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Metric Measurements (ex. Centigrade)' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = MetricCheckBoxClick end object NotifyChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 122 Width = 201 Height = 17 Hint = 'Will notify you when a new version of Weather Pulse is Available' + '.' Caption = 'Automatic Program Updates On' Checked = True ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 end object DelayChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 149 Width = 281 Height = 17 Caption = 'Delay 10 Seconds before Loading Weather on Startup' TabOrder = 3 end object DisableLoadChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 177 Width = 145 Height = 17 Caption = 'Disable Loading Screen' TabOrder = 4 end object NoAnimation: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 204 Width = 129 Height = 17 Caption = 'No animated windows' TabOrder = 6 end object TrayTwo: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 232 Width = 233 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show weather conditions tasktray icon' TabOrder = 7 end object ErrorLogOff: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 256 Width = 217 Height = 17 Hint = 'Uses the default Windows Exception handler, disables all Weather' + ' Pulse exception handling' Caption = 'Disable Weather Pulse Exception Handler' TabOrder = 8 end end end object TabSheet2: TTabSheet Caption = 'Sounds' ImageIndex = 1 TabVisible = False object SoundGroupBox: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = 'Sound Properties' TabOrder = 0 object PlayIt: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 40 Width = 89 Height = 17 Caption = 'Play Sounds' TabOrder = 0 end object DSoundEdit: TEdit Left = 16 Top = 152 Width = 425 Height = 21 TabOrder = 3 Text = 'DSoundEdit' end object Button1: TButton Left = 232 Top = 112 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Select' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = Button1Click end object Button2: TButton Left = 304 Top = 112 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Play' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = Button2Click end object SoundComboBox: TComboBox Left = 16 Top = 112 Width = 193 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 2 OnChange = SoundComboBoxChange OnCloseUp = SoundComboBoxCloseUp Items.Strings = ( 'Severe Weather Alert' 'Weather Retrieved' 'Weather Image Retrieved') end object RepeatCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 72 Width = 241 Height = 17 Caption = 'Repeat Sound until Acknowledged' TabOrder = 1 end object SavSound: TButton Left = 16 Top = 184 Width = 57 Height = 17 Hint = 'Save sound' Caption = 'Save' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = SavSoundClick end object Button6: TButton Left = 80 Top = 184 Width = 57 Height = 17 Hint = 'Reset Sound to Default' Caption = 'Reset' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = Button6Click end end end object TabSheet3: TTabSheet Caption = 'Tray Icon' ImageIndex = 2 object TarIconGroupBox: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 473 Height = 350 Align = alClient Caption = 'Tray Icon Appearance' TabOrder = 0 object Label5: TLabel Left = 127 Top = 212 Width = 38 Height = 13 Caption = '&OffsetX:' end object Label6: TLabel Left = 23 Top = 212 Width = 38 Height = 13 Caption = 'Offset&Y:' end object CheckBox2: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 64 Width = 81 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show Border' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CheckBox2Click end object FontBtn: TBitBtn Left = 316 Top = 252 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'Font' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = FontBtnClick end object BackGrndColorBtn: TBitBtn Left = 36 Top = 252 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'Background Color' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = BackGrndColorBtnClick end object BorderColorBtn: TBitBtn Left = 176 Top = 252 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'Border Color' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = BorderColorBtnClick end object FeelChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 112 Width = 169 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show Feels Like Temperature' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 OnClick = FeelChkBoxClick end object Edit2: TEdit Left = 175 Top = 204 Width = 29 Height = 21 TabOrder = 10 Text = '0' OnChange = Edit2Change end object UpDown2: TUpDown Left = 204 Top = 204 Width = 16 Height = 21 Associate = Edit2 Min = -10 Max = 10 Position = 0 TabOrder = 11 Wrap = False end object Edit3: TEdit Left = 71 Top = 204 Width = 29 Height = 21 TabOrder = 8 Text = '0' OnChange = Edit3Change end object UpDown3: TUpDown Left = 100 Top = 204 Width = 16 Height = 21 Associate = Edit3 Min = -10 Max = 10 Position = 0 TabOrder = 9 Wrap = False end object SymbolChkbox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 88 Width = 129 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show Degree Symbol' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = SymbolChkboxClick end object DigitChkbox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 136 Width = 265 Height = 17 Caption = 'When Temperature hits 100 don'#39't show first digit.' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = DigitChkboxClick end object SymbolNoChkbox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 160 Width = 289 Height = 17 Caption = 'When Temperature hits 100 don'#39't show degree Symbol.' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = SymbolNoChkboxClick end object TransParentBx: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 40 Width = 201 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Transparent Background Color' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 12 OnClick = TransParentBxClick end object TestChkbox: TCheckBox Left = 176 Top = 304 Width = 97 Height = 17 Hint = 'Check this box to Test temperature at 102'#176 Caption = 'Test 102'#176' Temp.' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 13 end end end object ToolTipTab: TTabSheet Caption = 'ToolTipTab' ImageIndex = 8 TabVisible = False object GroupBox7: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = ' Values to shown in Tray Tool-Tip ' TabOrder = 0 object Label15: TLabel Left = 96 Top = 26 Width = 281 Height = 33 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'NOTE: Microsoft Windows limitation. The maximum length of the s' + 'ystem tray tool-tip is 64 characters in length.' Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clMaroon Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False WordWrap = True end object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 184 Top = 152 Width = 193 Height = 9 Shape = bsBottomLine end object Label16: TLabel Left = 136 Top = 152 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = 'Options:' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 104 Top = 56 Width = 273 Height = 9 Shape = bsBottomLine end object CondChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 80 Width = 81 Height = 17 Caption = 'Condition' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CheckBox2Click end object FeelChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 128 Width = 73 Height = 17 Caption = 'Feels Like' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = FeelChkBoxClick end object DewpChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 104 Width = 73 Height = 17 Caption = 'Dewpoint' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = SymbolChkboxClick end object HumiChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 152 Width = 73 Height = 17 Caption = 'Humidity' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = DigitChkboxClick end object LastChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 200 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Last Observed' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = SymbolNoChkboxClick end object BaromChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 56 Width = 73 Height = 17 Caption = 'Barometer' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = TransParentBxClick end object LastDChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 176 Width = 113 Height = 17 Hint = 'Check this box to Test temperature at 102'#176 Caption = 'Last Downloaded' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 6 end object UvinChk: TCheckBox Left = 136 Top = 72 Width = 73 Height = 17 Caption = 'UV Index' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 7 end object SunrChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 248 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Sunrise' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 8 end object SunsChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 272 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Sunset' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 9 end object VisiChk: TCheckBox Left = 136 Top = 96 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Visibility' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 10 end object WindChk: TCheckBox Left = 136 Top = 120 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Wind' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 11 end object LocaChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 224 Width = 65 Height = 17 Caption = 'Location' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 12 end object TempChk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 296 Width = 89 Height = 17 Caption = 'Temperature' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 13 end object AbbrChk: TCheckBox Left = 184 Top = 176 Width = 169 Height = 17 Hint = 'Shows Abbreviated description' Caption = 'Abbreviate value descriptions' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 14 end object NodeChk: TCheckBox Left = 184 Top = 196 Width = 161 Height = 17 Hint = 'No Description' Caption = 'Do not show descriptions' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 15 end object NounChk: TCheckBox Left = 184 Top = 216 Width = 193 Height = 17 Hint = 'No measurements' Caption = 'Do not show measurement units' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 16 end end end object EnhTrayToolTip: TTabSheet Caption = 'EnhTrayToolTip' ImageIndex = 11 TabVisible = False object GroupBox8: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = ' Customize your Enhanced Tray Tool-Tip here ' TabOrder = 0 object Label23: TLabel Left = 256 Top = 336 Width = 100 Height = 11 Caption = 'Show available variables' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -9 Font.Name = 'Small Fonts' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object Label24: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 48 Width = 74 Height = 13 Caption = 'Image Directory' end object Label25: TLabel Left = 112 Top = 48 Width = 230 Height = 13 Caption = 'Images supported ( .GIF .JPG .BMP .ICO .PNG ) ' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object Label26: TLabel Left = 159 Top = 136 Width = 105 Height = 13 Caption = 'Set Translucent Value' end object EnableEnhTrayTipChkbx: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 177 Height = 17 Caption = 'Enable Enhanced Tray Tool-Tip' TabOrder = 0 end object ToolTipMemo: TMemo Left = 8 Top = 192 Width = 433 Height = 121 Lines.Strings = ( 'Now in [dnam] [sum], ' '[tmp][deg][ut] Winds: [windt], [winds][us]' 'Humidity is [hmid]%' 'Pressure [barr] [ur]. and [bard]') ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 1 end object VariablesBtn: TButton Left = 368 Top = 326 Width = 75 Height = 22 Hint = 'Display Variables and Descriptions' Caption = 'Variables' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = VariablesBtnClick end object EnhTrayDirectoryEdit: TAdvDirectoryEdit Left = 8 Top = 72 Width = 433 Height = 21 AutoFocus = False ErrorMarkerPos = 0 ErrorMarkerLen = 0 ErrorColor = clRed ErrorFontColor = clWhite Flat = False FlatLineColor = clBlack FlatParentColor = True FocusAlign = eaDefault FocusBorder = False FocusColor = clBtnFace FocusFontColor = clWindowText FocusLabel = False FocusWidthInc = 0 ModifiedColor = clHighlight DisabledColor = clSilver ReturnIsTab = False LengthLimit = 0 TabOnFullLength = False LabelPosition = lpLeftTop LabelMargin = 4 LabelTransparent = False LabelAlwaysEnabled = False LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET LabelFont.Color = clWindowText LabelFont.Height = -11 LabelFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' LabelFont.Style = [] Persistence.Enable = False Persistence.Location = plInifile Color = clWindow Enabled = True HintShowLargeText = False OleDropTarget = False OleDropSource = False TabOrder = 3 Transparent = False Visible = True ButtonWidth = 18 Etched = False Glyph.Data = { CE000000424DCE0000000000000076000000280000000C0000000B0000000100 0400000000005800000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00F00000000FFF 00000088888880FF00000B088888880F00000BB08888888000000BBB00000000 00000BBBBBBB0B0F00000BBB00000B0F0000F000BBBBBB0F0000FF0BBBBBBB0F 0000FF0BBB00000F0000FFF000FFFFFF0000} BrowseDialogText = 'Select Image Directory' end object EnhTrayUseTrans: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 136 Width = 137 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Translucent Effect' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 4 OnClick = EnhTrayUseTransClick end object EnhTrayColorBox: TColorBox Left = 8 Top = 104 Width = 145 Height = 22 Selected = clWindow ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 5 OnChange = EnhTrayColorBoxChange end object EnhTrayBCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 188 Top = 104 Width = 89 Height = 17 Caption = 'Background' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 6 OnClick = EnhTrayBCheckBoxClick end object EnhTrayTCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 300 Top = 104 Width = 81 Height = 17 Caption = 'Text Color' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = EnhTrayTCheckBoxClick end object EnhTrayTrackBar: TTrackBar Left = 8 Top = 160 Width = 417 Height = 25 Max = 255 Orientation = trHorizontal Frequency = 10 Position = 120 SelEnd = 0 SelStart = 0 TabOrder = 8 TickMarks = tmBottomRight TickStyle = tsAuto OnChange = EnhTrayTrackBarChange end end end object WeatherAlerts: TTabSheet Caption = 'WeatherAlerts' ImageIndex = 3 TabVisible = False object GroupBox1: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = 'Weather Alerts' TabOrder = 0 object Label12: TLabel Left = 24 Top = 160 Width = 241 Height = 14 Caption = '(Select the city you want to send Email alerts for )' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object Label11: TLabel Left = 68 Top = 208 Width = 259 Height = 13 Caption = 'Email Alerts are only sent for your active City!' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False end object Label13: TLabel Left = 43 Top = 224 Width = 336 Height = 13 Caption = 'If you'#39're monitoring weather for another city, the alert will NO' + 'T be sent ..' end object CheckBox3: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 72 Width = 225 Height = 17 Hint = 'This option will pop up a small Ballon Weather Alert.' Caption = 'Show Tray Icon Severe Weather Alerts' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = CheckBox3Click end object ServerOverideBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 100 Width = 353 Height = 17 Caption = 'Play Severe Weather Alert sound, even when play sounds is set to' + ' off.' TabOrder = 1 end object AlertMailBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 128 Width = 361 Height = 17 Caption = 'Send E-mail on Severe Weather Alert (Good for Cell Phone/Pager A' + 'lert)' TabOrder = 2 end object AlertCityCombo: TComboBox Left = 24 Top = 178 Width = 361 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 3 end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 120 Top = 272 Width = 153 Height = 25 Caption = 'Click Here to Filter Alerts' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = BitBtn1Click Glyph.Data = { 36030000424D3603000000000000360000002800000010000000100000000100 1800000000000003000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000085454581 4E4E7E4C4CF1EBEB007500007000006D00000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000955757996C6CFEFBFBE5CCCCCFB8B8007D0044DD770072 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000996D6D9F6E6EFFFFFFFF FEFE00870000850000810048E17B007A00007500007000000000000000000000 000000000000A06565F3ECECFFFCFCFEF5F5008D005EF7915AF38D53EC8648E1 7B45DE78007800000000000000000000000000AD7272C9AAAAFFFFFFFFEDEDFC EEEE009100008D00008B005AF38D008300008100007D00000000000000000000 000000AE7676FCF9F9FFF3F3FFE5E5F9D2D2E4CCCCEAD2D2008F005EF7910089 00000000000000000000000000000000B38585C7A2A2FFFFFFFFEAEAFFDDDDFA CCCCB48080D6BEBE009300009100008D00FBF9F9000000000000000000000000 B27C7CE2CECEFFF8F8FFE5E5FFD8D8F9C7C7CC9898C08D8DD1B9B9C0A8A8BCA4 A4845151000000000000000000000000B87F7FF9F3F3FFF1F1FFE1E1FFD4D4F7 C5C5E4B1B1EDBABADFACACC89595966363834F4F000000000000000000000000 C49090FFFFFFFFEDEDFFDFDFFFD2D2F9C5C5C39090BC8989B48181B78484BF8C 8C8D5A5A000000000000000000000000D2A7A7FFFFFFFFEDEDFFDFDFFFD1D1F8 C5C5BF8C8CA97676925F5F7F4C4C734040845151000000000000000000000000 DBB4B4FFFFFFFFEFEFFFE1E1FFD4D4F3BFBFEFBBBBFAC7C7DCA9A9BA87878C59 59794646000000000000000000000000DDBABAFFFFFFF5E5E5ECD1D1E7C2C2D3 A4A4CD9A9ADDAAAAD5A2A2D4A1A1D3A0A09C6969000000000000000000000000 CE9C9CC89494C08C8CBA8484B68080AC7C7CA671719C6A6A9966668F5C5C8D5A 5A8A575700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} end object AlertOnCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 305 Height = 17 Hint = 'Must be checked to receive Weather Alerts' Caption = 'Alerts enabled - Must be checked to receive weather alerts' Checked = True ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 5 end end end object Email: TTabSheet Caption = 'Email Settings' ImageIndex = 7 TabVisible = False object GroupBox5: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = 'Weather Alert Email Settings ' TabOrder = 0 object ToPanel: TPanel Left = 2 Top = 96 Width = 453 Height = 26 Hint = '|[B]To (recipients)'#13#10'[]Provides a space to type recipients of th' + 'e message. You can specify any number of e-mail addresses and re' + 'cipient names.'#13#10'This field should be specified in following form' + 'at:'#13#10'[B][RED]"[][BLUE]Name1[B][RED]"[DEF] [B][RED]<[]address1[B]' + '>;[DEF] [B][RED]"[][BLUE]Name2[B][RED]"[DEF] [B][RED]<[]address2' + '[B]> , "[][BLUE]NameN[B][RED]" <[]addressN[B]>'#13#10#13#10'[DEF]The name ' + 'of the recipient marked [BLUE]blue[DEF] (must be between quotes ' + '([B][RED]"[DEF]), i.e: "John Smith"). You can leave the name bla' + 'nk and use just email address;'#13#10'E-mail address of recipient mark' + 'ed green (must be between brackets "[B][RED]<>[DEF]", i.e: ).'#13#10'Multiple recipients should be separated by semico' + 'lon ([B][RED];[DEF]) or comma ([B][RED],[DEF]).'#13#10#13#10'[B]Examples'#13#10 + '[]"John Smith" , , ; "Aleksey Kuznetsov" '#13#10#13 + #10'[B]Warning: []Please don'#39't use brackets ([B][RED]<[DEF] and [B]' + '[RED]>[DEF]) in the "Name" fields (between quotes). Otherwise th' + 'e address will be parsed incorrectly. For example, following add' + 'ress will be parsed incorrectly!!:'#13#10'[U]"John Smith" ' Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify TabOrder = 3 DesignSize = ( 453 26) object Label18: TLabel Left = 4 Top = 8 Width = 159 Height = 13 Caption = 'Recipients (semicolon separated):' end object ToEdit: TEdit Left = 168 Top = 1 Width = 281 Height = 24 Hint = 'Use this format: user1@theirIsp.com;User2@thereIsp.com' Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] AutoSize = False TabOrder = 0 end end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 2 Top = 15 Width = 453 Height = 29 Align = alTop ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 object SendBtn: TSpeedButton Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 63 Height = 25 Hint = 'Click to Send a Test Message' Caption = 'Send' Glyph.Data = {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} NumGlyphs = 2 OnClick = SendBtnClick end object Label7: TLabel Left = 72 Top = 8 Width = 34 Height = 13 Hint = '|[B]Priority'#13#10'[]Specifies the importance and priority of message' + '. The priority of message will be shown in the e-mail reader pro' + 'gram. Also, most SMTP servers relays messages with higher priori' + 'ties earlier than messages with low priorities.' Caption = 'Priority:' end object Label8: TLabel Left = 186 Top = 8 Width = 56 Height = 13 Hint = '|[B]SMTP host'#13#10'[]Provides a space to type the hostname or IP add' + 'ress of the SMTP server which should be used to relay the e-mail' + ' messages.' Caption = 'SMTP host:' end object Label9: TLabel Left = 392 Top = 8 Width = 22 Height = 13 Hint = '|[B]SMTP port'#13#10'[]Provides a space to specify the port number of ' + 'SMTP server (specifies the port which listen the server). The st' + 'andard port number for SMTP protocol is 25.' Caption = 'Port:' end object PriorityBox: TComboBox Left = 108 Top = 4 Width = 69 Height = 21 Hint = '|[B]Priority'#13#10'[]Specifies the importance and priority of message' + '. The priority of message will be shown in the e-mail reader pro' + 'gram. Also, most SMTP servers relays messages with higher priori' + 'ties earlier than messages with low priorities.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 ItemIndex = 0 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'Highest' Items.Strings = ( 'Highest' 'High' 'Normal' 'Low' 'Lowest') end object SMTPHostEdit: TEdit Left = 248 Top = 4 Width = 129 Height = 21 Hint = '|[B]SMTP host'#13#10'[]Provides a space to type the hostname or IP add' + 'ress of the SMTP server which should be used to relay the e-mail' + ' messages.' TabOrder = 1 Text = 'mail.myisp.com' end end object FromPanel: TPanel Left = 2 Top = 70 Width = 453 Height = 26 Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify Caption = 'From Address:' TabOrder = 2 object Panel9: TPanel Left = 201 Top = 1 Width = 37 Height = 22 Hint = '|[B]From Name'#13#10'[]Provides a space to type [I]your[] name (name o' + 'f the sender).' Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = ' Name:' TabOrder = 0 end object FromAddressEdit: TEdit Left = 72 Top = 2 Width = 113 Height = 21 Hint = '|[B]From Addrees' TabOrder = 1 Text = 'me@myisp.com' end object FromNameEdit: TEdit Left = 240 Top = 2 Width = 129 Height = 21 Hint = '|[B]From Name' TabOrder = 2 Text = 'Weather Pulse Alerts' end end object SubjectPanel: TPanel Left = 2 Top = 122 Width = 453 Height = 26 Hint = '|[B]Subject'#13#10'[]Provides a space to type a subject of e-mail mess' + 'age.' Align = alTop Alignment = taLeftJustify Caption = ' Subject:' TabOrder = 4 DesignSize = ( 453 26) object Panel7: TPanel Left = 1 Top = 1 Width = 48 Height = 24 Align = alLeft Alignment = taLeftJustify BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = ' Subject:' TabOrder = 1 end object SubjectEdit: TEdit Left = 128 Top = 1 Width = 321 Height = 24 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] AutoSize = False TabOrder = 0 end object DefSubjectchkbox: TCheckBox Left = 48 Top = 3 Width = 78 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Default' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 OnClick = DefSubjectchkboxClick end end object StatusBox: TGroupBox Left = 2 Top = 190 Width = 453 Height = 169 Hint = '|[B]Status of delivery'#13#10'[]Shows response codes received from the' + ' SMTP server.' Align = alBottom Caption = ' Status: ' TabOrder = 5 object StatusList: TListBox Left = 2 Top = 15 Width = 449 Height = 152 TabStop = False Align = alClient ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 end end object Panel10: TPanel Tag = 1 Left = 2 Top = 44 Width = 453 Height = 26 Align = alTop TabOrder = 1 DesignSize = ( 453 26) object Label10: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 31 Height = 13 Caption = 'UserId' end object Label17: TLabel Left = 200 Top = 8 Width = 46 Height = 13 Caption = 'Password' end object UserId: TEdit Left = 48 Top = 1 Width = 137 Height = 22 Hint = 'Your Email Login ID' Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] AutoSize = False TabOrder = 0 end object PasswordEdit: TEdit Tag = 1 Left = 264 Top = 1 Width = 185 Height = 22 Hint = 'Your Email Login Password' Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] AutoSize = False PasswordChar = '#' TabOrder = 1 end end object HtmlCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 160 Width = 145 Height = 17 Caption = 'Send Message as HTML' TabOrder = 6 end object Authenticate: TCheckBox Left = 152 Top = 160 Width = 145 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Login Authentication' TabOrder = 7 end end end object CityTab: TTabSheet Caption = 'CityTab' ImageIndex = 4 TabVisible = False object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 7 Width = 457 Height = 354 Caption = 'City' TabOrder = 0 object Label1: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 50 Height = 13 Caption = 'Active City' end object Label3: TLabel Left = 80 Top = 24 Width = 225 Height = 14 Caption = '(Select the city you want to view weather for)' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object CityComboBox: TComboBox Left = 20 Top = 48 Width = 417 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 0 end object AddCityBtn: TBitBtn Left = 140 Top = 88 Width = 81 Height = 25 Caption = 'Add City' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = AddCityBtnClick end object DelCityBtn: TBitBtn Left = 236 Top = 88 Width = 81 Height = 25 Caption = 'Delete City' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = DelCityBtnClick end end end object AutoUpdateTab: TTabSheet Caption = 'AutoUpdateTab' ImageIndex = 5 TabVisible = False object GroupBox3: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 128 Width = 457 Height = 217 Caption = 'Auto Update' TabOrder = 0 object Label4: TLabel Left = 152 Top = 24 Width = 153 Height = 13 Caption = 'Auto Update Refresh Frequency' end object AutoUpdateCkBox: TCheckListBox Left = 20 Top = 104 Width = 417 Height = 73 ItemHeight = 13 Items.Strings = ( 'Enable weather conditions and forecast auto updates.' 'Enable weather image auto updates.' 'On update, display default satellite, forces image to reset upon' + ' refresh.' 'Disable satellite image cache, force new download on each displa' + 'y. ') TabOrder = 0 end object AutoUpdateComboBox: TComboBox Left = 112 Top = 56 Width = 233 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 ItemIndex = 0 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'Every 5 Minutes' Items.Strings = ( 'Every 5 Minutes' 'Every 10 Minutes' 'Every 15 Minutes' 'Every 20 Minutes' 'Every 25 Minutes' 'Every 30 Minutes' 'Every 35 Minutes' 'Every 40 Minutes' 'Every 45 Minutes' 'Every 50 Minutes' 'Every Hour' 'Every 2 Hours') end end object GroupBox4: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 105 Caption = 'On Update' TabOrder = 1 object RetHourlyChkbox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 193 Height = 17 Caption = 'Retrieve Hourly Weather Forecast' TabOrder = 0 end object RetDetailedChkbox: TCheckBox Left = 208 Top = 24 Width = 153 Height = 17 Caption = 'Retrieve Detailed Forecast' TabOrder = 1 end object RetTenDayChkbx: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 56 Width = 161 Height = 17 Caption = 'Retrieve 10 Day Forecast' TabOrder = 2 end object RetMyWebpageChkbx: TCheckBox Left = 208 Top = 56 Width = 137 Height = 17 Caption = 'Retrieve My Web Page' TabOrder = 3 Visible = False end end end object WallpaperTab: TTabSheet Caption = 'WallpaperTab' ImageIndex = 6 TabVisible = False OnShow = WallpaperTabShow object GroupBox6: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 361 Caption = ' Wallpaper Option Settings ' TabOrder = 0 object Label14: TLabel Left = 352 Top = 272 Width = 41 Height = 13 Caption = 'Progress' end object WallPaperTxt: TLabel Left = 320 Top = 312 Width = 113 Height = 13 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False end object WallPaperBox: TComboBox Left = 128 Top = 64 Width = 313 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 Sorted = True TabOrder = 0 end object UseWallPaperChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 345 Height = 17 Caption = 'Uses Image for your Windows Wallpaper from your My Images Box' TabOrder = 1 end object StretchCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 64 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Stretch' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = StretchCheckBoxClick end object TileCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 80 Top = 64 Width = 41 Height = 17 Caption = 'Tile' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = TileCheckBoxClick end object PreviewBtn: TButton Left = 320 Top = 152 Width = 113 Height = 25 Caption = 'Preview' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = PreviewBtnClick end object Button4: TButton Left = 320 Top = 232 Width = 113 Height = 25 Hint = 'Will restore your Wallpaper to the Original Wallpaper you used b' + 'efore using Weather Pulse Wallpaper' Caption = 'Restore' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = Button4Click end object WallPaperProgressBar: TProgressBar Left = 320 Top = 288 Width = 113 Height = 17 BorderWidth = 2 Min = 0 Max = 100 TabOrder = 6 end object Panel6: TPanel Left = 16 Top = 144 Width = 289 Height = 209 BevelOuter = bvLowered Caption = 'Panel6' TabOrder = 7 object Panel8: TPanel Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 273 Height = 193 TabOrder = 0 object WallpaperImagePreview: TAdvPicture Left = 1 Top = 1 Width = 271 Height = 191 Animate = False Picture.Stretch = False} BrowseDialogText = 'Select Image Directory' end object AlphaTrackBar: TTrackBar Left = 16 Top = 232 Width = 417 Height = 25 Max = 255 Orientation = trHorizontal Frequency = 10 Position = 120 SelEnd = 0 SelStart = 0 TabOrder = 4 TickMarks = tmBottomRight TickStyle = tsAuto OnChange = AlphaTrackBarChange end object AlphaOnCheckbx: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 144 Width = 137 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Translucent Effect' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 OnClick = AlphaOnCheckbxClick end object DeskletColorBox: TColorBox Left = 16 Top = 184 Width = 145 Height = 22 Selected = clWindow ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 3 OnChange = DeskletColorBoxChange end object BCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 196 Top = 184 Width = 89 Height = 17 Caption = 'Background' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 5 OnClick = BCheckBoxClick end object TxCheckBox: TCheckBox Left = 308 Top = 184 Width = 81 Height = 17 Caption = 'Text Color' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = TxCheckBoxClick end object Desklet1TopMostchk: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 52 Width = 345 Height = 17 Caption = 'Desklet will stay on top of other windows ( (WP restart required' + ')' TabOrder = 7 end end end object SkinTabsheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'SkinTabsheet' ImageIndex = 12 TabVisible = False object GroupBox14: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 457 Height = 353 Caption = ' Skin Settings ' TabOrder = 0 object Label27: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 72 Width = 150 Height = 13 Caption = 'Skin Display Box Color Settings ' end object Bevel3: TBevel Left = 168 Top = 74 Width = 273 Height = 9 Shape = bsBottomLine end object EnableSkinChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 32 Width = 129 Height = 17 Caption = 'Enable Skin Support' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 0 OnClick = EnableSkinChkBoxClick end object ColorBox1: TColorBox Left = 16 Top = 104 Width = 145 Height = 22 Selected = clWindow ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 1 OnChange = ColorBox1Change end object SkinBackGrdChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 180 Top = 104 Width = 89 Height = 17 Caption = 'Background' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 OnClick = SkinBackGrdChkBoxClick end object SkinTextChkBox: TCheckBox Left = 276 Top = 104 Width = 81 Height = 17 Caption = 'Text Color' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = SkinTextChkBoxClick end object Button3: TButton Left = 16 Top = 136 Width = 145 Height = 25 Hint = 'Allows you to define more colors' Caption = 'More Colors' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 4 OnClick = Button3Click end object Button5: TButton Left = 352 Top = 96 Width = 89 Height = 25 Hint = 'Resets Colors back to default settings.' Caption = 'Reset to Default' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 5 OnClick = Button5Click end end end object Conversion: TTabSheet Caption = 'Conversion' ImageIndex = 11 TabVisible = False object ConvertTab: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 473 Height = 350 Align = alClient Caption = ' Conversion Options ' TabOrder = 0 object GroupBox9: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 77 Width = 377 Height = 41 Caption = ' Wind ' TabOrder = 0 object mphRadio: TRadioButton Left = 88 Top = 12 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'mph' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = mphRadioClick end object kmhradio: TRadioButton Left = 168 Top = 12 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'km/h' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = kmhradioClick end object BothWindChk: TCheckBox Left = 240 Top = 12 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'both' TabOrder = 2 end end object GroupBox10: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 24 Width = 377 Height = 41 Caption = ' Temperature ' TabOrder = 1 object Fahrenheitradio: TRadioButton Left = 88 Top = 16 Width = 73 Height = 17 Caption = 'Fahrenheit' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = FahrenheitradioClick end object CelsiusRadio: TRadioButton Left = 168 Top = 16 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'Celsius' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = CelsiusRadioClick end object BothTempChk: TCheckBox Left = 240 Top = 16 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'both' TabOrder = 2 end end object GroupBox11: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 130 Width = 377 Height = 41 Caption = ' Visibility ' TabOrder = 2 object VisMphRadio: TRadioButton Left = 88 Top = 16 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'mph' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = VisMphRadioClick end object VisKmhRadio: TRadioButton Left = 168 Top = 16 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'km/h' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = VisKmhRadioClick end object VisBothChk: TCheckBox Left = 240 Top = 16 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'both' TabOrder = 2 end end object GroupBox12: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 184 Width = 377 Height = 41 Caption = ' Barometer ' TabOrder = 3 object BarInchRadio: TRadioButton Left = 88 Top = 16 Width = 57 Height = 17 Caption = 'inches' TabOrder = 0 end object BarhPaRadio: TRadioButton Left = 168 Top = 16 Width = 49 Height = 17 Caption = 'hPa' TabOrder = 1 end object BarmbRadio: TRadioButton Left = 240 Top = 16 Width = 41 Height = 17 Caption = 'mb' TabOrder = 2 end object Barmm: TRadioButton Left = 304 Top = 16 Width = 41 Height = 17 Caption = 'mm' TabOrder = 3 end end end end object TrayClickTab: TTabSheet Caption = 'Tray Click Settings' ImageIndex = 13 object GroupBox15: TGroupBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 473 Height = 350 Align = alClient Caption = ' Configure Mouse Actions ' TabOrder = 0 object GroupBox16: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 441 Height = 137 Caption = 'Temperature Tray Icon ' TabOrder = 0 object Label29: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 28 Width = 109 Height = 13 Caption = 'Left Single Click Action' end object Label30: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 74 Width = 114 Height = 13 Caption = 'Left Double Click Action' end object TTSingleComboBox: TComboBox Left = 16 Top = 44 Width = 201 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ItemIndex = 0 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'Open Weather Pulse' Items.Strings = ( 'Open Weather Pulse' 'Show Enhanced Tray' 'Show Quick Image Viewer' 'Open Settings' 'Visit Tropic Designs' 'None') end object TTDblComboBox: TComboBox Left = 16 Top = 88 Width = 201 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ItemIndex = 3 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'Open Settings' Items.Strings = ( 'Open Weather Pulse' 'Show Enhanced Tray' 'Show Quick Image Viewer' 'Open Settings' 'Visit Tropic Designs' 'None') end end object GroupBox17: TGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 176 Width = 441 Height = 153 Caption = ' Conditions Tray Icon ' TabOrder = 1 object Label33: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 34 Width = 109 Height = 13 Caption = 'Left Single Click Action' end object Label34: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 82 Width = 114 Height = 13 Caption = 'Left Double Click Action' end object CTSingleComboBox: TComboBox Left = 16 Top = 50 Width = 201 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ItemIndex = 5 TabOrder = 0 Text = 'None' Items.Strings = ( 'Open Weather Pulse' 'Show Enhanced Tray' 'Show Quick Image Viewer' 'Open Settings' 'Visit Tropic Designs' 'None') end object CTDblComboBox: TComboBox Left = 16 Top = 98 Width = 201 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ItemIndex = 2 TabOrder = 1 Text = 'Show Quick Image Viewer' Items.Strings = ( 'Open Weather Pulse' 'Show Enhanced Tray' 'Show Quick Image Viewer' 'Open Settings' 'Visit Tropic Designs' 'None') end end end end end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 395 Width = 638 Height = 41 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 2 object SaveBtn: TBitBtn Left = 216 Top = 8 Width = 89 Height = 25 Caption = '&Save' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = SaveBtnClick Glyph.Data = { 36050000424D3605000000000000360400002800000010000000100000000100 08000000000000010000D30E0000D30E00000001000000010000008C00000094 0000009C000000A5000000940800009C100000AD100000AD180000AD210000B5 210000BD210018B5290000C62900319C310000CE310029AD390031B5420018C6 420000D6420052A54A0029AD4A0029CE5A006BB5630000FF63008CBD7B00A5C6 94005AE7A500FF00FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF 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0C030D1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B050E0C0601191B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B130E0C 170E02001B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B0B1517170A0C01181B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B111717 13130C030D1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B08081B1B070C01191B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B 1B1B100C02001B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B090C01181B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B 1B1B1B130C0F101B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B141A0F181B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B 1B1B1B1B1012181B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B191B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B 1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B} end object CancelBtn: TBitBtn Left = 320 Top = 8 Width = 89 Height = 25 Caption = '&Close' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = CancelBtnClick Glyph.Data = { 36050000424D3605000000000000360400002800000010000000100000000100 08000000000000010000220B0000220B000000010000000100000031DE000031 E7000031EF000031F700FF00FF000031FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF 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FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFF FF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00FFFFFF00040404040404 0404040404040404000004000004040404040404040404000004040000000404 0404040404040000040404000000000404040404040000040404040402000000 0404040400000404040404040404000000040000000404040404040404040400 0101010004040404040404040404040401010204040404040404040404040400 0201020304040404040404040404030201040403030404040404040404050203 0404040405030404040404040303050404040404040303040404040303030404 0404040404040403040403030304040404040404040404040404030304040404 0404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404} end end object OD: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'wav' Filter = 'Wave Files (*.wav files)|*.wav' Left = 464 Top = 408 end object FontDialog1: TFontDialog Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] MinFontSize = 0 MaxFontSize = 0 Left = 528 Top = 412 end object ColorDialog1: TColorDialog Ctl3D = True Options = [cdFullOpen] Left = 432 Top = 404 end object SRWavePlayer1: TSRWavePlayer Async = False Loop = False Left = 496 Top = 408 end object acDesktopWallpaper1: TacDesktopWallpaper Left = 88 Top = 272 end object WPC: TWebCopy DlgCancel = 'Cancel' DlgCaption = 'Downloading' DlgCompleted = 'completed' DlgFileLabel = 'File :' DlgFileOfLabel = 'of' DlgFromServerLabel = 'from' DlgToServerLabel = 'to' DlgProgressLabel = 'Progress :' DlgRateLabel = 'Transfer rate :' DlgTimeLabel = 'Estimated time left :' DlgCopying = 'Copying' DlgDwnload = 'Downloading' DlgUpload = 'Uploading' DlgOpenFile = 'Open file' DlgOpenFolder = 'Open folder' FTPPassive = False Items = <> ShowDialog = False OnCopyOverWrite = WPCCopyOverWrite OnCopyProgress = WPCCopyProgress OnErrorInfo = WPCErrorInfo OnFileDone = WPCFileDone Left = 24 Top = 272 end end